Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Week 5 Hot Topic

Which facet of this competion is working best for you and why?  Having more fruits and veggies, exercising, water, extra challenges, limited sweets, 9 pm, or team contact?

Rememer it's worth 5 points!  Anyone is welcome to email me, and I can post it for them if that works better!


  1. I'll start. I have to choose 3 actually! The limited sweets, making myself exercise and 9 pm rule.

    I have noticed when 9 o'clock rolls around the things I want to put in my mouth are normally not the best things for me! Of course everyone knows exercise is good for you, and now I'm finally doing it! As far as sweets go, I didn't realize how often there are little things I want to eat that are sugary.

  2. Water. I'm drinking so much I might just float away. I'm all watered out! :)

  3. (that was Kellie)

    Terrell: Probably making sure I get in my exercise in ways like biking to work. It gives me an "excuse" to ride my bike!

  4. Mindy: All of the stuff were things I needed to do so all of them are having a big impact. Tough I wish I was losing as much as a "Biggest Loser" person, but a little at a time is better than nothing. Putting all these things together is making me more aware of what I'm doing.

  5. Except for this week. The sweets and eating after 9 has been working the best. My problem usually was eating a lot at night because I was so hungry and chowing down on sweets. I notice I feel better when I don't eat sweets.

  6. I agree with Lindsay on the benefit of avoid sweets. I also have been drinking green smoothies every morning for breakfast and they are loaded with tons of vegetables and fruit!

  7. Rich: Exercises has been the best for me because it makes me feel good after I've gone out and done it.
